William “Billy” Punapaiaʻalaikahala Kenoi was born in the village of Kalapana. Kenoi, a lawyer, teacher, coach, and public servant, was most proud of being a husband and a father. And, of course, being a surfer and an Ironman finisher. He is survived by his wife of 25 years, Takako, and three children, Liam Pilipo Yutaka, 22, Justin Kalapana Takashi 20, and Angeline Mahinalani Kumiko 18.

Billy was a passionate believer that many of societies challenges could be solved by strengthening families which lead to healthy communities. His emphasis and his life’s work was to always focus his time and effort on inspiring children and honoring his kūpuna.

After his many years struggle with cancer, he said it was all a blessing, part of an amazing life. It gave him the opportunity to slow down, enjoy quiet time with family, and to experience true humility and determine the depth of his character. He is grateful his struggle allowed him to say I love you to his family and many friends.

Although he will not walk his daughter down the aisle for her marriage (Liam and Justin will do it together for their father) or hold and kiss any of his grandchildren (Takako will do double duty), he feels that the blessings he has already received from his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ far exceeds any experiences he might miss.

His final message is “Love. That is the answer. Love & aloha. There is no secret. The more we love, the more we live.” He would like to thank his amazing wife Takako for this amazing life! She is and always will be his everything. And his message to Liam, Justin, and Mahina? Billy said there was nothing as magical as seeing his children smile and to hear them laugh. He would like them to know, he will always be near when they get together, smile, and laugh! Always! And forever!

Written by Billy, May 2020